Home News Events Events BASE-II Workshop 05.11.2015 | Scientific conference of the Berlin Ageing Study II at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin [more] BASE-II Meeting 6.3. - 7.3.2014 | Internal scientific conference of the Berlin Age Study II [more] Aging Healthily 16.12.2013 | Prof. Steinhagen-Thiessen at the Urania Berlin [more] 28th Berlin Summer University: What is life and how does it work? 26.8. - 1.9. 2013 | 28th Berlin Summer University: What is life and how does it work? [more] BASE-II meets GaniMed 22.4.2013 | Scientific exchange between the Berlin Age Study II and GaniMed [more] BASE-II Meeting 14. - 15.3.2013 | Scientific conference of the Berlin Ageing Study II at the Max Planck Institute for Human Development in Berlin [more]